Fans of Jujutsu Kaisen mourn the death of a beloved character


Before delving into the mystery surrounding Satoru Gojo's fate in Jujutsu Kaisen, let's provide some context for those who may not be fully immersed in the world of manga. Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga and anime series that follows the story of Yuji Itadori, a high school student, and his journey in the world of Jujutsu Sorcerers. In this incredible world, one character has stood out: Satoru Gojo. With his extraordinary powers, Gojo is a force to be reckoned with. His "Limitless Cursed Technique" and the "Infinite Void" of his "Domain Expansion" set him apart in a world full of powerful sorcerers and curses.

Is Gojo dead? No, but the previews for the upcoming manga chapter reveal that Gojo is in a terrible state, and some readers even consider it the character's death. Gojo is not an ordinary sorcerer; he is a powerful force, known for surviving dangerous battles and emerging relatively unscathed. Do you remember when Toji caused him serious trouble, inflicting a brutal attack that left Gojo severely injured? Despite the severity of his injuries, the beloved Gojo managed to survive, showcasing his resilience.

Let's move forward to the recent events in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, and the rumors have started: is Gojo dead? The correct answer is no, although he is currently gravely injured, Gojo has not died yet. It all began with the latest developments in the manga, but even if you are just a fan of the anime or a casual observer, you may have heard something about it. Gojo has been engaged in an epic battle with Sukuna, another powerful figure in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, and things are not looking good. While fighting against Gojo, Sukuna uses "Domain Expansion" to try to neutralize Gojo's Infinite Void. This move, along with Sukuna's surprising revelation of an unbounded domain, even caught Gojo off guard. The result was a devastating attack on Gojo's barrier that left the hero severely injured, with a critical injury to his neck. Chapter 225 of Jujutsu Kaisen ended on that cliffhanger.

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This cliffhanger has left fans around the world breathless and has sparked debates about whether this could be the end for the strongest sorcerer known. Gojo's survival depends on the power of his Domain and his ability to withstand Sukuna's relentless attacks. If anyone can make a triumphant comeback, it's Gojo. However, this is uncharted territory, even for him, and the suspense has everyone on edge.

On the other hand, eliminating the most popular character in the series (even more so than Yuji Itadori) wouldn't make sense, as it would likely disappoint the majority of fans. As mentioned before, this isn't the first time he has been on the brink of death. His track record of surviving dangerous encounters, such as the battle with Toji, provides a glimmer of hope. Until the previews for the next chapter are revealed, we can only speculate about Gojo's fate. For now, we'll have to wait and see how the story unfolds.
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